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About Household Pulse Survey data


Everyone has been subjected to Covid's wrath. It hurts people's bodily as well as mental health. The U.S. Census Bureau, in collaboration with five federal agencies, launched the Household Pulse Survey to produce data on the social and economic impacts of Covid-19 on American households. The Household Pulse Survey was designed to gauge the impact of the pandemic on employment status, consumer spending, food security, housing, education disruptions, and dimensions of physical and mental wellness.


The survey was created with the purpose of providing accurate and timely weekly forecasts. It was performed through an online survey, with invites sent out by email and text message. The Census Bureau Master Address File Data is used as the sample frame. Housing units with one or more email addresses or mobile phone numbers were chosen at random to participate, and one respondent from each housing unit was chosen to respond individually. Weighted estimates are used to account for non-response and to match Census Bureau population estimates by age, gender, race & ethnicity, and educational attainment. The NCHS Data Presentation Standards for Proportions are met by all of the estimates given.


How was the confidence interval calculated from Survey?


Analyses were stratified by gender, age, race/ethnicity, employment status, essential worker status, unpaid adult caregiver status, rural-urban residence classification, whether the respondent knew someone who had positive test results for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, or who had died from COVID-19, and whether the respondent was receiving treatment for diagnosed anxiety, depression, or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at the time of the survey. Comparisons within subgroups were evaluated using Poisson regressions with robust standard errors to calculate prevalence ratios, 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and p-values to evaluate statistical significance (α = 0.005 to account for multiple comparisons). Among the 1,497 respondents who completed all three surveys, longitudinal analyses of the odds of incidence of symptoms of adverse mental or behavioral health conditions by essential worker and unpaid adult caregiver status were conducted on unweighted responses using logistic regressions to calculate unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (ORs), 95% CI, and p-values (α = 0.05). The stats models package in Python (version 3.7.8; Python Software Foundation) was used to conduct all analyses.



This dashboard depicts the influence of Covid-19 on the entire US population's social, economic, and mental health. According to the US Census Bureau report, there was no increase in cases until spring 2020, but in June 2020, there was a 13 percent increase in substance usage due to coronavirus-related stress. Covid had an effect on the global economy. As a result of cost-cutting measures, some businesses have suffered losses and some people have lost their jobs. It also had an impact on students' academic performance. 11 percent of adults, out of the 13 percent, had had suicidal thoughts in the last 30 days. Suicide rates have been rising for some time and may intensify as a result of the pandemic. Drug overdose deaths spiked from March to May 2020, coinciding with the onset of pandemic-related lockdowns, according to early 2020 data. [ 8 ]

A major depressive disorder, often known as clinical depression, is a mental illness that affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a number of emotional and physical difficulties. You may find it difficult to carry out day-to-day tasks, and you may feel as if life isn't worth living.

The graphical representation of symptoms of depressive illnesses is shown in this map-based visualization. The darker shades in the graphic represent places that have been severely hit and have a high percentage of persons suffering from depression.


As per the data Louisiana, Nevada, and Oregon are highly affected while South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota have the least affected.

Many persons experienced anxiety and/or depressive disorder symptoms, a percentage that has been relatively consistent since spring 2020. Suicide rates have been rising for some time and may intensify as a result of the pandemic. 

Drug overdose deaths spiked from March to May 2020, coinciding with the onset of pandemic-related lockdowns, according to early 2020 data.


Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder or Depressive Disorder are shown graphically in this depiction. 

The darker shades in the picture represent the places that have been severely harmed and have a high proportion of people suffering from Anxiety Disorder or Depression Disorder.


According to data Louisiana, Nevada and Mississippi are highly affected while South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota have the least affected.

Anxiety is something that everyone experiences from time to time. When confronted with an issue at work, before taking a test, or before making a major decision, you may experience anxiety. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are more than just transitory anxiety or terror. Anxiety does not go away in those who have anxiety disorders, and it can get worse with time. Symptoms might make it difficult to do things like work, schoolwork, and maintain relationships.


The symptoms of Anxiety Disorder are represented in this image. The darker shades in the graphic depict the locations that have been severely impacted and have a high proportion of persons suffering from Anxiety Disorder symptoms.


As per data Louisiana, Nevada, and Oregon are highly affected while South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota have the least affected.

Depression, defined as a persistent feeling of sadness, is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Studying social determinant risk factors for depression can help identify effective interventions and reduce disease burden; education, in particular, offers many opportunities for intervention. Lower educational attainment is associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms. For people, having a college degree was associated with fewer depressive symptoms.

This bar graph shows the representation of the variation of symptoms with respect to education. The length of bars in the visualization shows the average of educational groups that have people suffering from depression due to covid.


According to data People having less than a high school diploma are highly affected while people with a bachelor's degree or higher are the least affected.

More than 50 symptoms of major depression exist, ranging from the well-known—crying and sadness—to symptoms you might not identify with melancholy, such as hostility, workaholism, and back pain. All of these symptoms can differ amongst persons of different ages.


This bar graph depicts the differences in symptom severity across people of various ages. The length of the bars in the graphic represents the typical age group in which people are depressed as a result of covid.


As per the data People within the 18 – 29 age bracket are highly affected while people having age 80 or above are the least affected.

People with disabilities have been differentially affected by COVID-19 because of three factors: the increased risk of poor outcomes from the disease itself reduced access to routine health care and rehabilitation, and the adverse social impacts of efforts to mitigate the pandemic.


This pie chart shows the representation of the variation of symptoms for people with and without disabilities. The area of pie in the visualization shows the average number of people with and without disabilities suffering from depression due to covid.


According to data People with disabilities are highly affected while people without disabilities are the least affected.

Transgender people experience their gender as incongruent with the sex assigned at birth. They might identify as a binary gender (female, male) or outside of the gender binary. People who are non-binary might experience their gender as moving between male and female (e.g., genderfluid) or as situated beyond the gender binary (e.g., genderqueer). Some reject the concept of sex and gender at all, either on a personal, or a general level (e.g., agender).


This pie chart shows the representation of the variation of symptoms for people of different genders. The area of pie in the visualization shows the average number of people with different genders suffering from depression due to covid.


As per the data, Transgender people are highly affected followed by females while males are the least affected.

The epidemic has had a disproportionately negative impact on the health of people of color. Non-Hispanic Black adults (48%) and Hispanic or Latino adults (46%) are more likely than non-Hispanic White people to report anxiety and/or depressive symptoms (41 percent ). In the past, these communities of color have had difficulty getting mental health care.

This table depicts the differences in symptom severity among people of various races. The visualization's chart depicts the average number of persons of various races who suffer from depression as a result of covid.


Non-Hispanic people from other categories are highly affected while non-Hispanic Asian people are the least affected.

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