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Is there a Link Between COVID-19 and Depression?

Depression is a widespread illness that affects an estimated 3.8% of the world's population. Despite the fact that there are effective treatments for mental diseases, more than 75% of people in low and middle-income nations do not obtain them. According to the National Alliance on Mental Condition, 45% of persons who commit suicide have a mental illness of some kind. This covers persons who have depression that is undiagnosed, untreated, or undertreated. In order to prevent suicides, it's critical to get a good diagnosis and therapy for depression.

No one knows what causes depression because it is such a complex condition, but it can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people experience depression as a result of a major medical condition. Others may experience depression as a result of life changes such as relocating or losing a loved one. However, according to our research, among the different causes, depression brought on by traumatic events has a significant and long-term impact on mental disease.


The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences were devastating. In light of Covid-19's negative impact on different elements such as the economy, food, and politics, it's imperative to investigate its negative impact on mental health. In the United States, 11% of individuals struggled from depression in 2019, up from 42% in Pandemic. To lessen the impact, the federal government is striving to protect the rights of people with mental illnesses in a range of settings, such as the workplace, schools, and treatment centers. [ 7 ]

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Data SourceData publisher's source-Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

We can observe that the rate of various Mental Health disorders has peaked during 2000 and 2008. We can also observe that anxiety and depression is common when compared to others.

The Goal of this website is to raise awareness of depression, the different causes of it, and to disseminate statistics via visualizations on how the US national public health agency is recording data and evaluating depression in various ways, allowing the federal government to make required changes.

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